56th Annual Meeting
Tentative Program Schedule
Please note that this schedule is subject to change. The Program Book distributed at the Annual Meeting will have final information on dates, times, and speakers for each presentation.

New Research Poster Presentation 5.15
Neural Mechanisms Involved in the Processing of Monetary Rewards and Losses in Healthy Male Adolescents: An fMRI Study

Friday, October 31, 2008: 3:30 PM
River Exhibition Hall (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
Celine Relecom, M.D., University Hospital of Geneva; University of Geneva, Chêne-Bourg, Geneva, Switzerland
Fabrice Jollant, M.D.,
Stephane Simon, Ph.D.,
François Lazeyras, Ph.D.,
Alain Malafosse, M.D.,
Remy P. Barbe, M.D., SPEA, Carouge, Switzerland