56th Annual Meeting
Tentative Program Schedule
Please note that this schedule is subject to change. The Program Book distributed at the Annual Meeting will have final information on dates, times, and speakers for each presentation.

New Research Poster Presentation 4.14
Mentors' Perspectives on Group Mentorship: A Descriptive Study of Two Programs in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Friday, October 31, 2008: 11:00 AM
River Exhibition Hall (Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers)
Shirley D.A. Alleyne, MBBS, University of the West Indies School of Clinical Medicine and Research, St. Phillip, Barbados
Michelle S. Horner, D.O., Pittsburgh, PA
Garry Walter, M.D., Ph.D.,
Eric Arzubi, B.S., Weston, CT
Stacia Hall, M.P.P.,
Andres Martin, M.D., M.P.H., Yale University Child Study Center, New Haven, CT