Few clinical case studies have been presented about how children, at various stages of development, cope with the outside world of peers, authorities, neighbors, or strangers. This group presentation gives a developmental outline of the problems children face in the external world and how we, as child and adolescent psychiatrists, can help them. Each presenter discusses one clinical case, consisting of a description of the patient and including a diagnosis and psychological formulation; a statement of the child's “political” problem; a commentary on the meaning of this problem; a description of what intervention(s) the doctor provided; a note of how the problem resolved, and; a more general commentary for child and adolescent practitioners.
Friday, October 31, 2008: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Sheraton IV
Level 4
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Lenore C. Terr, M.D.
Steven N. Adelsheim, M.D., Jeffrey Q. Bostic, M.D., Henry J. Gault, M.D., Anthony P.S. Guerrero, M.D., Robert L. Hendren, D.O., Samuel L. Judice, M.D., Patricia Lester, M.D., David L. Lopez, M.D., Michael Maloney, M.D., Susan Milam Miller, M.D. and Maria C. Sauzier, M.D.