Selective Mutism has been linked to various disorders, such as language disorders, social anxiety disorders, oppositional disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders, and more recently, it has been described as a social-communication anxiety disorder. However, research from various parts of the world indicates that treatment is not uniformly provided, and lack of consistent research makes it difficult to determine the effectiveness of certain treatment protocols. As a result, children diagnosed with Selective Mutism have been treated differently, depending on the therapist, physician, location, and type of clinic where service is provided. This Clinical Case Conference was developed with the intention to review a few cases from various clinical settings in order to stimulate discussion about the need to develop scientific methodology to achieve an empirically-based consensus on how to treat Selective Mutism.
Friday, October 31, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Level 2
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Denise A. Chavira, Ph.D., Marianne Wamboldt, M.D., Andrew W. Zimmerman, M.D. and Fernando R. Asbahr, M.D., Ph.D.