56th Annual Meeting
Tentative Program Schedule
Please note that this schedule is subject to change. The Program Book distributed at the Annual Meeting will have final information on dates, times, and speakers for each presentation.

Other Programs 21 (open)
Teaching and Writing for Success: Best Practices in Teaching, Supervision, and Educational Scholarship

Program Description

Effective teaching is crucial in conveying the depth, complexity, fascination, creativity, and generativity of the field of child and adolescent psychiatry to students, trainees, and the public at large. There is both a science and art to teaching, learning, and education that enhances effective communication in all spheres: from one-on-one supervision to parent education to media bites and telecommunications. Our hope is that the AACAP membership benefits from this intensive “Teach the Teachers” enterprise through an ongoing sharing of expertise and collaborative educational initiatives.

This year’s presentation builds on the success of the workshop presented at the 54th Annual Meeting in Boston. It will be an interactive four-hour experience presenting the scientific background and best practices for teaching effective communication and leadership skills, and academic writing and reviewing skills. The program begins with a one-hour plenary address followed by breakouts to more intensively focus on specific skills in each of these areas. The design is consistent with the literature that learning occurs best when information and knowledge is accompanied by practice and active involvement of the learners in the educational activity.

The plenary address “Knowledge Organization & Diagnostic Reasoning: Teaching & Learning from the Student’s Chief Complaint” is given by Georges Bordage, M.D., Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Medical Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and an internationally renowned teacher and researcher in the area of clinical reasoning. Four types of knowledge structures will be described and their relationship to diagnostic reasoning explored, especially in the context of case presentations, where there are two chief complaints, the patient’s chief complaint and the student’s complaint. The best teaching-learning moments are when students try to resolve personal difficulties or uncertainties. The benefits of eliciting student uncertainties are highlighted, as will other options such as providing explicit educational advice. The latter may include creating a solid knowledge foundation (less is more), having a conceptual understanding of the problem and subject matter, using both analytical and non-analytical reasoning processes (including abstract problem representation and pattern recognition), and fostering a deliberate mix of practice with feedback.

Following the plenary, there are three breakouts to allow members to discuss in more depth and gain skills in the three areas of effective communication, teaching and supervision, and academic paper writing and reviewing.

Breakout #1: Towards Best Practices in Supervision in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training: Supervisor as Teacher and Evaluator

This breakout is an interactive, participatory, and skills-building session. The focus is to practically review the challenges of clinical supervision where supervisors are simultaneously teaching and evaluating trainees. Speakers discuss the various approaches to teaching within the supervisory model and define the various roles the supervisor has with particular emphasis on the evaluation role. The need for supervisor credentialing is also discussed.

Breakout #2: Learner-Centered Teaching in Adult Education: Effective and Innovative Strategies

This breakout focuses on the most effective methods of transmitting information and assisting the adult learner in skills-building. The leaders engage the participants in active discussions about the most effective tools to teach knowledge, skills, and attitudes to formulate an educational plan. Participants have an opportunity to discuss teaching dilemmas, practice organizing a curriculum, and set up a learning plan for a variety of common teaching problems.

Breakout #3: Responding to the Call for Improved Educational Scholarship and Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training: The Henrietta Leonard Challenge

This breakout honors the memory of Dr. Leonard, a champion of thoughtful deliberation and commentary in all of her academic writings and scholarly reviews. It focuses specifically on three areas of interest to child and adolescent psychiatrists, academic paper composition, abstract submissions, and paper critique.

Thursday, October 30, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Chicago VI
Level 4
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Shashank V. Joshi, M.D.
Jeffrey I. Hunt, M.D.
Dorothy Stubbe, M.D., Mark D. Hanson, M.D., Ellen K. Heyneman, M.D., Cynthia Santos, M.D., Wun Jung Kim, M.D., M.P.H., Christopher K. Varley, M.D., Andres Martin, M.D., M.P.H., Anne Glowinski, M.D., Geraldine S. Fox, M.D., Jess Shatkin, M.D., M.P.H., Thomas F. Anders, M.D., Kathleen M. Kelley, M.D., Elisabeth B. Guthrie, M.D., Sandra L. Fritsch, M.D., Thomas L. Matthews, M.D., David Kaye, M.D., Jeffrey Q. Bostic, M.D., Saundra Stock, M.D. and Eugene V. Beresin, M.D.

Sponsored by the AACAP Work Group on Training and Education

See more of: Other Programs