56th Annual Meeting
Tentative Program Schedule
Please note that this schedule is subject to change. The Program Book distributed at the Annual Meeting will have final information on dates, times, and speakers for each presentation.

Other Programs 29 (by invitation only)
Resident Representative Meeting

The Resident Representative Meeting gives these representatives the chance to meet with the Committee on Medical Students, Residents and Early Career Psychiatrists to give feedback on the Resident Representative Program. The goal is to identify potential changes and improvements that can be made to better the overall program. Topics to be covered include the recruitment process for the Resident Representative Program, the exchange of ideas and experiences between child and adolescent psychiatrist (CAP) trainees at different programs, and the involvement of CAP trainees in the mentorship of medical students and general psychiatry residents.
Friday, October 31, 2008: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Columbus A & B
Level 3
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Anne Frederickson, M.D.
David L. Lopez, M.D. and Daniel Lafleur, M.D.

Sponsored by the AACAP Committee on Medical Students, Residents & Early Career Psychiatrists

See more of: Other Programs