The practice of child and adolescent psychiatry often involves interactions with foster parents, foster children, and the entire child welfare system. Many foster children have been sexually, physically, and/or emotionally abused in various settings and this is frequently one of the primary focuses of their treatment plan. Family-centered practice is emerging as the mainstay of treatment when a child is involved in the child welfare system. This concept focuses on partnering and collaborating with families. In 2003, Dr. Lenore Terr reported on a case of a “wild child,” a girl who was severely traumatized through sexual, physical, and emotional abuse all before age 18 months. Over the years, with the care of the family she was adopted into and psychotherapy with Dr. Terr, the “wild child” was surpassing everyone’s expectations. In this Clinical Case Conference presentation Mia Behrens and her adoptive mother, Sharon Behrens, along with Dr. Lenore Terr, have agreed to share this incredible journey, in the hopes that this informs and educates child and adolescent psychiatrists in their treatment of traumatized children, children in the foster care system, and the families so intimately invested in their well-being.
Friday, October 29, 2010: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM
8:00 AM
How Do You Care for a “Wild Child?" Notes From a Foster Parent
Sharon Behrens, B.A.
, Central Valley, CA
8:20 AM
The "Wild Child" Turns 21: An Update on Mia AKA "Cammie"
Lenore C. Terr, M.D.
University of California at San Francisco Medical School, San Francisco, CA
8:40 AM
How Does a “Wild Child” Feel? Notes From One of Them
Mia Behrens
Junior College Student, Central Valley, CA
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Adoption and Foster Care Committee