This Workshop provides a forum for frank and open discussion of the strengths and problems of the delivery of outpatient child and adolescent psychiatric treatment from an administrative and business perspective. A private practice can enhance operations and prepare for the increased expectations of health care reform through the thoughtful incorporation of technology into practice. This can be done while maintaining the motivation and support of the clinicians. Participants gain knowledge about the principles underlying the structure and basic operation of a multidisciplinary private psychiatric practice, determine how they can apply strategies such as new technology and management systems to meet the expectations of the health care reform agenda, and understand how to initiate a preferred contracting arrangement with a health plan to engage in pediatric primary care collaboration.
Thursday, October 28, 2010: 2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Sponsored by the AACAP
Sponsored by the AACAP
Work Group on Healthcare Access and Economics
and the AACAP
Committee on Collaboration with Medical Professions