This day-long program explores the science and state of clinical practice in the early childhood arena to provide attendees with pragmatic tools for application in clinical settings in which child and adolescent psychiatrists may be consultants and providers of care. Charles Zeanah, M.D., focuses on protective and pathogenic factors during development as a prelude to elucidating potential child psychiatric contributions for very young children and their families. Then, a review of the current state of mental health programming for this population across the country along with a review of the evolving evidence-base for these early childhood efforts is presented. A special lunch presentation by Janice Cooper, Ph.D. honors the career of Jane Knitzer, Ph.D., author of Unclaimed Children, with a focus on current research and advocacy efforts of the National Center for Children in Poverty. The afternoon session addresses the clinical pragmatics and tools relevant to mental health practice in the arena of early childhood services as well as features of community-based practices that are necessary for successful engagement of young families. Child psychiatric engagement with early childhood serving systems such as child welfare, HEAD START, and other public systems can advance clinically sound efforts in early intervention and prevention.
The cost of the program is $75 before September 15, 2010), $100 after and onsite (if available). Medical students and residents can attend for FREE, but need to register. Registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and CME credit. For further information, please call Adriano Boccanelli at 202.966.7300, ext. 133. This program requires a separate registration; visit: to register.
Monday, October 25, 2010: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
8:00 AM
Welcome and Introduction
8:30 AM
The Science of Early Brain Development: Opportunities for Prevention and Early Intervention
9:45 AM
The State of the States' Clinical Practice in Early Childhood Mental Health Systems of Care: The National Perspective
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
The Evidence Base for Clinical Interventions in Early Childhood
12:00 PM
Luncheon Plenary
12:45 PM
The ECMH Agenda & Its Import for Children & Families
1:30 PM
Assessment and Screening of Mental Health Problems in Early Childhood
2:10 PM
Child Psychiatric and Other Mental Health Consultation to Early Childhood Settings
2:50 PM
3:10 PM
The ECSII (Early Childhood Service Intensity Instrument)
3:50 PM
Engaging Young Families in Community Settings
4:30 PM
Closing Commentary and Discussion
Sponsored by the AACAP Sponsored by the AACAP Work Group on Community-Based Systems of Care and the AACAP supported by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
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