All members are encouraged to attend the Diversity and Culture Round Table
This year�s round table is facilitated by Andres Pumariega, M.D. and Lee Carlisle, M.D., and focuses on two issues. First, the draft of the Practice Parameter for Cultural Competence in Child Psychiatric Practice is discussed. This is an excellent opportunity for members to provide early input that ensures addressing key cultural issues relevant to practitioners serving diverse children and youth (the fastest growing population of children in the U.S.).
Additionally, a draft of the proposed AACAP Diversity Action Plan, which is being developed by the Diversity and Culture Committee is introduced. The goal of this plan is to enhance diversity within AACAP by removing barriers within all areas of the organization, including: membership recruitment and retention, patient care, training and education, research, disabilities, and advocacy. Since the Plan is in its initial stages of development, this is the best opportunity for members to ensure that all relevant issues and concerns relating to AACAP and to the field of child and adolescent psychiatry are included.
The Round Table will be held on Wednesday, October 27 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. If interested in attending and for draft copies, please email Jennifer Medicus at We greatly value your input on both of these important projects, and look forward to your participation at the Diversity and Culture Round Table!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM