Authors: Vera Joffe, Ph.D. & Monica Iachan, M.A.
Illustrator: Margaret Scott
“Hi, My Name is Matt: I Have Asperger Syndrome”
Author: Vera Joffe, Ph.D.
Illustrator: Margaret Scott
Dr. Joffe will be presenting two of her books that are written from the point of view of a child. “Sophie’s Story: A Guide to Selective Mutism” is a book about Selective Mutism with description of the condition with suggestions for treatment and for cooperative work with school and with families. “Hi, My Name is Matt: I Have Asperger Syndrome” describes the nature of A.S. with emphasis on not just the “impairments” and difficulties these children face, but also with focus on talents these children often present. Recommendations for parents and educators are provided in the end as A.S. being part of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM