Religion and spirituality in child, adolescent, and family development have been long overlooked dimensions in child and adolescent psychiatry. Yet for many, religion and spirituality are key elements of culture that influence normal development; attitudes and behaviors pertaining to medical and psychiatric care; relationships with other individuals inside and outside the family; and the general worldview of a child, adolescent, and his or her family. Additionally, like any other important elements of life, religious and spiritual issues also may be found in family relational problems and in psychopathology. Clinicians need to be familiar with assessment of religious and spiritual issues in normal development, psychopathology, and family dynamics; and understand religion and spirituality are clinically valid, important, and helpful areas to address in assessment and clinical work. This CCB seeks to raise awareness and foster discussion of this area in clinical practice; and to foster an understanding of religious professionals and institutions that are often untapped resources for clinical care and other forms of assistance.
Friday, October 21, 2011: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM
Sponsored by the
AACAP Religion and Spirituality Committee