University of Ulm
- Consultant: Bayer; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Johnson & Johnson; Medice; Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation; Pfizer Inc.; Ratiopharm; Sanofi-Aventis
- Employee: Eli Lilly and Company
- Grant Support: Eberhardt Foundation; Eli Lilly Foundation; Federal Ministry of Research and Science (BMBF); The Volkswagen Foundation
- Research Support: Eberhardt Foundation; Eli Lilly Foundation; Federal Ministry of Research and Science (BMBF); The Volkswagen Foundation
- Travel Support for participation in another meeting: Bayer; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Eli Lilly and Company; Johnson & Johnson; Medice; Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation; Pfizer Inc.; Ratiopharm; Sanofi-Aventis