The International Medical Graduate (IMG) caucus is an informal group designed to provide an official forum for child and adolescent psychiatry IMG’s to address issues of professional development and support in a collegial and nurturing environment. Focal areas of discussion include faculty and peer mentoring, career pathways, IMG focused AACAP training and educational initiatives, maximizing membership benefits for IMGs, and developing IMGs' unique position as potential leaders in global mental health in regions with scarce mental health resources. Additionally, the IMG caucus aims to advocate for IMG-related issues officially through AACAP and via liaison with other active IMG groups in organized medicine, such as those part of APA, AAMC, and AADPRT. The caucus hopes to enhance the effectiveness of IMGs in the delivery of clinical, administrative, and academic services, and improve coordination of IMGs as a group at AACAP overall, AACAP Assembly, and Regional Organizations of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. While the focus of the caucus group is on issues related to the IMG community, we appreciate that there are many child and adolescent psychiatrists, especially teaching faculty and other colleagues, who have an interest in and a passion for these issues. Therefore, any AACAP member is more than welcome to attend the IMG caucus.
Thursday, October 25, 2012: 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
Sponsored by the AACAP
Diversity and Culture Committee