Media Theatre 5 (open)
Bully: The Film and the Clinical Problem
The movie Bully follows five American children who were bullied and their families. The content of the film is live footage, not a script with actors, making it extraordinarily powerful. Among other things, viewers witness the actual bullying of a boy on his school bus and the subsequent assistant principal’s discipline, and see a boy’s father and a vice principal misunderstanding what the victim had experienced and giving advice that poignantly missed the point. Bullying is a difficult clinical problem that harms the most vulnerable of our patients and their families. Come discuss and share clinical experiences and research on how to identify a child who is bullying, ways to work effectively with victims of bullying, and what is or is not working in your practice or community.
Bully: The Film and the Clinical Problem
Thursday, October 24, 2013: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM