Institute 8 (ticket)
Communication and Language Development Implications for Clinical Practice
This Institute reviews the current literature on communication and language development, highlighting the impact of genetic and environmental factors, as well as the role of risk factors on the development of language and communication disorders, including the development of behavioral problems and psychiatric disorders. Presenters look at the neurodevelopmental significance of communication and language acquisition in normal development and describe innovative research and state-of-the-art treatment interventions that may improve deficits and lessen their negative impact on children’s socio-emotional and cognitive development. Recommendations are made in reference to early childhood and special education provisions that should be considered by policy decision makers.
Communication and Language Development Implications for Clinical Practice
Saturday, October 26, 2013: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM
7:30 AM
Opening Remarks
7:35 AM
Language and Language Disorders: Genetic Clues and Environmental Complexities
8:30 AM
Language Development: Implications for Clinical Practice
9:30 AM
9:45 AM
Communication Disorders: A DSM-5 Update
10:30 AM
Behavioral and Neural Risk Markers for Language Disorders
11:30 AM
Lunch (on your own)
12:30 PM
Early Development of Nonverbal Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder
1:30 PM
Early Speech and Language Interventions for Children with Autism
2:30 PM
2:45 PM
Language Deficits and ADHD
3:30 PM
Environmental Influences on Language Development and the Specific Case of Bilingual Development: Clinical and Policy Implications
4:15 PM
Closing Remarks and Questions
See more of: Institute