Clinical Consultation Breakfast 6 (ticket)
Using Electronic Medical Records May Improve the Quality, Safety, and Value of Clinical Practice

Becoming familiar with electronic medical records (EMRs) programs, and knowing which one best suits their practice, helps a clinician cope with the challenges facing psychiatric practice in 2013. At this CCB, clinicians learn about EMR programs and how EMRs can help them manage the three major changes impacting psychiatric practice: CPT Codes, DSM-5, and electronic prescription programs. Included are: using EMRs to document the new psychiatric CPT coding, how DSM-5 diagnostic changes can be incorporated into psychiatric EMRs, and the progress being made in the implementation of electronic prescription programs to Drug Enforcement Administration controlled medications.
Thursday, October 24, 2013: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM

Sponsored by the AACAP Healthcare Access and Economics Committee

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