Clinical Case Conference 8 (open)
Religious and Cultural Issues in Treatment of Psychotic Symptoms in Latino Youth

Three cases involving Latino children presenting with psychotic symptoms are analyzed. The three cases illustrate the variety of ways treatment with Latino families may evolve. Following the case presentations, issues of diagnosis and treatment are discussed in regard to diversity of religious backgrounds in U.S. Latino populations and how this background may affect their perception of psychiatric symptoms and choice of treatment. Research on religion and mental health in youth, the spiritual lives of psychotic patients, and psychotic symptoms in U.S. Latino populations is reviewed; and strategies for engaging families in discussion of religion and spirituality, as well as working with clergy in cases of severe illness and treatment refusal are explored.
Saturday, October 26, 2013: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM

Sponsored by the AACAP Religion and Spirituality Committee

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