Other Programs (open)
Presidential Interview
For this year’s Presidential Interview, Dr. Drell talks to James C. MacIntyre, M.D. chair of the Back to Project Future Task Force, a presidential initiative to develop a “road map” for our field that can help guide AACAP’s leadership, members, and staff over the coming decade. In the interview, Dr. Drell explores the process of creating the Back to Project Future Report and the perspectives that Dr. MacIntyre learned as the process unfolded. They discuss the final document and what it means for the field as far as our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as next steps for implementation of the various recommendations. Dr. MacIntyre has had a long history as an AACAP leader, including as Secretary, Treasurer, Council Assembly Representative, Assembly Delegate, Chair of the Consumer Issues Committee, and member of the Bylaws, Financial Planning, and Gifts and Endowments Committees. Dr. Drell discusses these achievements as well as events in his past life that led to his commitment to the Academy and helping children and adolescents.
Presidential Interview
Saturday, October 26, 2013: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM