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Systems of Care Special Program: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in Juvenile Justice: From Individual Care to System Approaches

The juvenile justice system can be a complex one to navigate and in which to effectively maximize clinical care. Child and adolescent psychiatrists (CAPs) working in juvenile justice can have a profound impact on youth. CAPs also have the capacity to influence the way the system is structured and the way that services are provided within it. CAPs work with youth in the juvenile justice system in a variety of roles – as clinician, advocate, expert witness, and consultant.  In order to be effective in these various roles, the child and adolescent psychiatrist must have the background and skills to address the needs of the youth and assess where there is a need for system change.

This day-long Symposium describes the epidemiology of the mental health needs of youth in the juvenile justice system, provides practical information about assessment and treatment of mental health issues in this population, offers perspectives of several youth and family representatives, and explains the needs of specific sub-populations of youth. The Program includes a three-part series of “nuts and bolts”:  the first covers the topic of assessment and differential diagnosis, the second is about the psychopharmacology treatment of youth in the Juvenile Justice system, and the last outlines evidence-based psychosocial interventions. In addition to the clinical speakers, the program will describe the experiences of youth and families. A youth speaker will talk about his experience in the juvenile justice system as well as his experience with CAPs interfacing with the system. Attendees will also hear about a model program for family involvement with this system. Lastly, a session on girls and sexual exploitation will use a multi-media approach to describe the problem of sexual exploitation and how child and adolescent psychiatrists can treat and advocate for these affected youth.

Monday, October 21, 2013: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
8:00 AM  
Introductory Remarks
8:30 AM  
Defining the Problem: Epidemiology, Demographics, and Costs of Children in the Juvenile Justice System
Christopher R. Thomas, MD UTMB/Department of Psychiatry, Galveston, TX
9:15 AM  
How Can Research in Developmental Neurobiology and Genetics Teach Us About Youth in Juvenile Justice?
James J. Hudziak, MD Vermont Center For Children, Youth, & Families, Burlington, VT
10:00 AM  
10:15 AM  
Clinical Nuts and Bolts, Part 1: Assessment and Differential Diagnosis of Youth in Juvenile
Louis J. Kraus, MD Rush University Medical Center, Northbrook, IL
11:00 AM  
Clinical Nuts and Bolts, Part 2: Pharmacologic Treatment for Youth in Juvenile Justice
Steven R. Pliszka, MD The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
11:45 AM  
12:00 PM  
Lunch and Poster Session
1:00 PM  
Family-Driven Program for Diverting Youth with Mental Health Needs from Juvenile Justice Involvement
Peter Metz, M.D. University of Massachusetts Medical School and University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA
Migdalia Velez The Family Resource Center at Fitchburg Community Connections, Fitchburg, MA
1:45 PM  
Being in the System and Getting Out
Marvin Alexander, LCSW Youth M.O.V.E. National, Jonesboro, AR
2:30 PM  
2:45 PM  
Clinical Nuts and Bolts, Part 3: Treatment Planning and Effective Psychosocial Interventions for Youth in Juvenile Justice
Terry Git Lee, MD University of Washington, Seattle, WA
3:30 PM  
Girls and Sexual Exploitation
Allison Nitsche, MD University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
4:30 PM  
4:50 PM  
Concluding Remarks

Sponsored by the AACAP Juvenile Justice Reform Committee and the AACAP Committee on Community-Based Systems of Care and the AACAP Rights and Legal Matters Committee

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