Clinical Consultation Breakfast 6 (sold out)
The Individual Psychotherapy of Adolescent Sexual Abuse Victims

Themes that recur when working with sexually abused adolescents include: not initially revealing the extent of abuse; anger and confusion first being directed at the perpetrator, then at those who could/should have protected the victim, and finally at the victim herself; and various and very intense emotions that occur throughout treatment. Participants learn about predominant themes that emerge in treatment as well as developmental tasks that are compromised by victimization including peer relationships, positive sense of self, and achievement of a secure body image; and pitfalls that arise when working with sexual abuse victims. Bring your questions and case issues to the discussion.
Thursday, October 29, 2015: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM
Copyright © 2015 - American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry. All Rights Reserved.