Evidence-based practice is expected in 21st century psychiatric treatment, especially for substance abuse disorders, for which prognoses were traditionally guarded if not poor. The explosion of literature in this specialty requires AACAP to brief its members and direct their energies toward the most promising areas of quality improvement and improved outcomes. This Special Interest Study Group informs child and adolescent psychiatrists of the current research-supported trends in adolescent substance use disorders treatment and the development of comprehensive systems of care. Participants have the opportunity to share their clinical and research experience and clarify what evidenced-based practices are most practical and cost-effective for adoption in one's practice and a system of care.
Friday, October 31, 2008: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Michigan B
Level 2
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Peter R. Cohen, M.D.
Steven L. Jaffe, M.D.
Sponsored by the AACAP
Substance Abuse and Addiction Committee