Since its beginnings in the 1970s, systems of care have continued to develop and evolve. Today many communities have adopted this approach to more effectively address the care of children and adolescents with challenging and complex needs. In this CCB, the term “systems of care” is used to refer to the collaborative, community-based treatment process, which incorporates Child and Adolescent Service Systems Program (CASSP) Principles, the wraparound process, and the values and practices commonly associated with “systems of care.” After a brief overview of the history and evolution of systems of care, the focus is on the clinical level of systems of care, although the need for infrastructure support is also discussed. Participants have the chance to share their knowledge, interests, and current roles in systems of care. Challenging clinical cases, focusing on the benefits of individualized treatment plans that make use of systems of care are discussed. The increased opportunities for involvement by child and adolescent psychiatrists, despite the continuing challenges, are outlined.
Thursday, October 20, 2011: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM
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AACAP Committee on Community-Based Systems of Care