This Workshop uses interactive case studies to provide the child and adolescent psychiatrist with concrete skills to help support interventions that educators can use to improve disruptive behavior in the classroom. Although child and adolescent psychiatrists are often asked only to diagnose and treat a child who is struggling in school, it is critical for child and adolescent psychiatrists to advocate for their patient and help educators work with these students to improve the school environment and improve student behavior. The failure of traditional behavior plans of reward and consequences are discussed; concrete suggestions for collaboration with parents and educators are outlined; and strategies to help obtain access to necessary assessments, accommodations, and interventions are detailed. Suggested improvements to existing behavior plans focus on preventive strategies such as antecedent management, self-monitoring systems, and alternative response behavior.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012: 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sponsored by the AACAP
Schools Committee