Media Theatre 2 (open)
Snow White , an Animated Masterpiece: Illustrating Disney's Psychological Appeal and Impact on Child Development
The film Snow White is used to illustrate Disney's appeal and impact on developmental psychology. The presenters discuss how Snow White, the first Disney "Princess," set the stage for the Princesses who followed, how these Princesses promote rigid gender roles, and how these characters evolved along with the changing roles of women in American culture. Snow White fostered what would become an explosion of Disney licensed products, which are scripted to act out Disney stories, not the child’s own, thus interfering with play. This is contrasted with generic toys, which, acting as catalysts, help the many functions of play, e.g., "working through" slights, trauma, the unfamiliar and adult roles. Clinical examples are given.
Snow White , an Animated Masterpiece: Illustrating Disney's Psychological Appeal and Impact on Child Development
Wednesday, October 23, 2013: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM