Special Interest Study Group 6 (ticket)
International Medical Graduates: Adaptation, Training, and Contribution

For many international medical graduate (IMG) trainees, the medical system in the United States poses a significant challenge; and, similarly, the lack of knowledge about the cultural and training background of an IMG creates barriers for the training director. A primer or toolkit would be valuable for faculty who work with IMGs, particularly training directors. It would help faculty to better understand the challenges IMG trainees face; including a sense of personal loss, cultural differences, and training differences. Understanding the unique strengths and challenges of an IMG can leed to optimization of training. This SIG creates a platform for mutual dialogue between mentors and mentees to discusses the specific details of developing a primer, as well as appropriate assessment and monitoring tools available to faculty.
Thursday, October 24, 2013: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM

Sponsored by the AACAP Diversity and Culture Committee

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