Clinical Consultation Breakfast 18 (sold out)
Master Clinician Linmarie Sikich, M.D.: Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Psychiatric Comorbidity
Dr. Sikich is associate professor and director of the Adolescent and School-age Psychiatric Intervention Reaserch Program (ASPIRE). ASPIRE focuses on developing and rigorously evaluating treatments for psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children and adolescents and their families. She has participated in several clinical trials for children and adolescents with autism, Fragile X, early onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and pediatric bipolar disorder funded by the federal government, Autism Speaks, local foundations, and individual pharmaceutical companies, including several pivotal trials submitted for FDA pediatric indications. In her clinical work, she primarily follows complex youth whom are experiencing significant problems in the areas of social interactions, communication, mood regulations, perseveration, and psychosis. In this CCB, Dr. Sikich’s will discuss some of the issues that arise when evaluating children and adolescents with many sever psychiatric problems that do not fit neatly into a single diagnostic category.
Master Clinician Linmarie Sikich, M.D.: Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Psychiatric Comorbidity
Saturday, October 26, 2013: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM