Clinical Consultation Breakfast 12 (ticket)
The Joys of Rural Child Psychiatry
While roughly 20% of the U.S. population lives in rural areas, less than 5% of child and adolescent psychiatrists live in rural areas. The challenges of rural child and adolescent psychiatry are not limited to access to medical resources but include the geography; the population density; the ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity; and the ethical dilemmas encountered in rural practice. This CCB provides information on sources of support available to rural child and adolescent psychiatrists, how to develop a support network, how to negotiate contracts that allow you to provide high quality care, alternative service models, and ways to meet the need of your family despite the overwhelming need for services in rural areas. It also provides a forum to discuss your own practice issues and an opportunity to network with and learn from other rural child and adolescent psychiatrists.
The Joys of Rural Child Psychiatry
Friday, October 25, 2013: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM
Sponsored by the AACAP Rural Psychiatry Committee
See more of: Clinical Consultation Breakfast