Clinical Consultation Breakfast 11 (ticket)
Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice
Over the past two decades, there has been a re-emergence of interest in the interface between religion and spirituality in both medicine and psychiatry. This CCB raises awareness and fosters discussion of this area of clinical practice. Clinicians caring for children, adolescents, and families have recognized the significant roles, contributions, and, at times, conflicts religion and spirituality play in the evaluation and treatment of children and families, increasing the need to be familiar with assessment of religious and spiritual issues in normal development, psychopathology, and family dynamics. Clinicians can benefit greatly from increased familiarity with available resources, assessment techniques, and treatment strategies.
Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice
Friday, October 25, 2013: 7:00 AM-8:30 AM
Sponsored by the AACAP Religion and Spirituality Committee
See more of: Clinical Consultation Breakfast