Workshop 43 (ticket)
Psychoeducational Tutoring: An Educational Approach to Psychological Skill Promotion

Psychoeducational tutoring is a promising, additional method for addressing the mental health problems of youth who could not have been helped much by methods commonly available. Attendees become aware of the extent to which psychiatric disorders in children can be viewed as deficiencies in teachable and learnable skills. A classification system for applicable psychological skills is introduced; and useful educational techniques, including readings and exercises are provided. The potential to provide psychoeducational tutoring by telephone is discussed. If possible, bring along a computer that accepts a USB flash drive as the presenter gives participants a flash drive containing full-length psychoeducational instructional texts, computer programs for certain exercises, questionnaires, and a copy of the slides from the presentation itself.
Saturday, October 26, 2013: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM

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