Clinical Perspectives 35 (open)
"Unexplained" Abdominal Pain: An Update on Phenomonology and Treatment

Friday, October 25, 2013: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM
A Pain Team's Perspective and Approach to "Unexplained" Abdominal Pain
William T. Zempsky, MD, MPH Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, CT
The Psychological Evaluation of the Child with "Unexplained" Abdominal Pain: The Search for Vulnerabilites and Comorbidities
Barbara Rzepski, PhD The Institute of Living - Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
Seeking Diagnostic Clarity of "Unexplained" Abdominal Pail: Complexities and Confusion
Lisa B. Namerow, MD The Institute of Living - Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
Pain Disorders: Patient Characteristics, Physician Perspectives, and Standardization of Care
Patricia I. Ibeziako, MD Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA

Sponsored by the AACAP Physically Ill Child Committee

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