Symposium 28 (open)
Fragile X-Associated Disorders: Illuminating the Spectrum of Disease Through Molecular, Clinical, and Therapeutic Advances
Fragile X-Associated Disorders: Illuminating the Spectrum of Disease Through Molecular, Clinical, and Therapeutic Advances
Friday, October 24, 2014: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Fragile X Premutation: From Neurodevelopmental to Neurodegenerative Disorders
Next-Generation Fragile X PCR: Breaking Barriers to Enable Comprehensive FMR1 Molecular Analyses From Patient-Friendly Specimens
Molecular-Clinical Profiles in Fragile X: Novel FMR1 Genetic and Epigenetic Molecular Assessments in a Cohort of Full-Mutation and Premutation Patients
Identifying New Targets of Treatment: Potential Molecular Mediators of Dendritic Overgrowth in Fragile X Syndrome
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