Clinical Case Conference 10 (open)
What’s Your Lens? Bringing Clarity to Complex Clinical Work With Adolescents Struggling With Nonsuicidal Self-Injurious Behavior: Integrating Through Psychodynamic, Family Systems, Medico-Legal, and Ethical Lens

The AACAP Psychotherapy, Family, and Ethics Committees integrated their diverse perspectives around the complex clinical presentations of patients who struggle with self-harm behaviors. Attaining relative consensus about the medical, legal, and ethical dilemmas is essential to achieve a positive outcome. Presenters describe clinical and supervisory challenges that arise when working with children and adolescents who struggle with nonsuicidal self-injury behavior; the principles supervisors use when assessing child or adolescent patients; and strategies for the use of a bio-psycho-social approach to treatment planning. Residents derive great benefit from gaining both comfort and skill in treating children and adolescents presenting with nonsuicidal self-injury behaviors from an integrated assessment and treatment perspective.
Friday, October 30, 2015: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM

Sponsored by the AACAP Family Committee and the AACAP Psychotherapy Committee

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