Workshop 8 (ticket)
Evaluating State Primary Care Mental Health Capacity-Building Programs: Lessons Learned and Future Options
Consultation programs linking child mental health systems and primary care providers have been developed in more than 20 states. Those working with state primary care capacity building programs, or who are interested in how these programs fit into larger efforts to increase access, benefit from this Workshop. Attendees gain understanding of the “logic model” for evaluating state consultation programs, become familiar with evaluation results developed from programmatic data, participant surveys/interview, and analysis of Medicaid claims data, and explore additional possibilities for joint or complementary evaluations across state programs.
Evaluating State Primary Care Mental Health Capacity-Building Programs: Lessons Learned and Future Options
Wednesday, October 23, 2013: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Sponsored by the AACAP Committee on Community-Based Systems of Care
See more of: Workshop