Clinical Perspectives 5 (open)
Gender Dysphoria: Complex Issues and Patient Populations for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Gender Dysphoria: Complex Issues and Patient Populations for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Wednesday, October 22, 2014: 8:00 AM-11:00 AM
Gender Nonconformity and Dysphoria in Children and Adolescents: An Overview of the Complex Decisions and Interventions
When Gender and Psychiatric Acuity/Comorbidities Overlap: Addressing Complex Issues for Gender Dysphoric and Non-Conforming Youth
Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dypshoria: Incidence and Treatment Approaches
Gender Nonconforming and Dysphoric Youth in Rural Settings: Clinical Perspectives on Current Disparities With Unique Solutions
Sponsored by the AACAP Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues Committee
See more of: Clinical Perspectives