Media Theatre 2 (open)
War Dance: A Documentary of Hope, Resiliency, and the Healing Power of Music

The 2006 award-winning documentary, War Dance, beautifully exemplifies the resilient nature of the children of Northern Uganda. It was recorded at a time of civil unrest when Lord’s Resistance Army, under the leadership of Joseph Kony, brutally murdered civilians and abducted children to be child soldiers. Attendees learn how powerful cultural interventions can be in helping traumatized youngsters rebuild their self-esteem and sense of self, and the coping strategies used by children from three separate African cultures as they struggle with violence directed toward them or have experienced repercussions of war. The documentary demonstrates how traditional music and dance facilitated the healing of the children of Northern Uganda.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Sponsored by the AACAP International Relations Committee

See more of: Media Theatre
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