Workshop 44 (ticket)
Helping Parents Guide Their Children to Use Social Media Safely: Do's and Don't's
Teens being “virtually connected” presents safety risks for children and adolescents that did not exist 15 or 20 years ago. Child and adolescent psychiatrists need skills and knowledge that keep them abreast of rapidly changing technology so they can better help children, adolescents, and families avoid the inherent risks associated with these technologies. Participants better understand the current state of electronic use, learn how to take an “electronic use” history, and gain the skills to teach parents how to use available “parental controls,” as well as how to initiate conversations with their children about social media and "screen time."
Helping Parents Guide Their Children to Use Social Media Safely: Do's and Don't's
Saturday, October 25, 2014: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Sponsored by the AACAP Media Committee and the AACAP Consumer Issues Committee
See more of: Workshop