Workshop 43 (ticket)
Collaboration With Primary Care: Developing Clinical Skills and Overcoming System Challenges

Presenters at this Workshop have developed clinical delivery systems in which the child and adolescent psychiatrist (CAP) works collaboratively with primary care providers in order to improve access to care for children within a defined population. Participants are given an overview of various models of CAP practice offered in collaboration with primary care. Clinical, interpersonal, and administrative skills for successful program implementation are covered, as are strategies for overcoming systemic and administrative barriers to implementation of collaborative practice models. CAPs are better prepared to function effectively in collaborative primary care settings, as well as to contribute to the development and implementation of such programs.
Saturday, October 25, 2014: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM

Sponsored by the AACAP Committee on Collaboration With Medical Professions and the AACAP Healthcare Access and Economics Committee

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