Special Interest Study Group 12 (ticket)
The Affordable Care Act: Administrative and Leadership Challenges and Opportunities

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has the potential to dramatically change healthcare delivery systems within the United States. The new innovations in the ACA affect the clinical practice of child and adolescent psychiatry and are evolving rapidly, challenging those clinicians in leadership and administrative positions to educate themselves and adapt quickly. This SIG brings together child and adolescent psychiatrists involved in administrative and leadership positions to discuss the challenges inherent in designing and integrating children’s mental health delivery systems into new and existing clinical models. Discussion includes population health strategies and models of reimbursement applicable to integrated mental health delivery systems.
Friday, October 24, 2014: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM

Sponsored by the AACAP Task Force on Healthcare Systems Delivery and the AACAP Committee on Collaboration With Medical Professions

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