Member Forum 1 (open to all AACAP members)
Crisis in the Emergency Department
This member forum examines the challenges faced in emergency child psychiatry. Presenters compare costs of a child comprehensive psychiatric emergency program with emergent psychiatric care in a pediatric emergency room, explore political partnerships and collaborative solutions, discuss emergency screening units, crisis care, and rapid mental health screening in pediatric emergency rooms, and talk about the patient experience and how families can advocate to improve emergency psychiatric care in a youth crisis services unit.
Crisis in the Emergency Department
Thursday, October 23, 2014: 2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Mario Cappelli, PhD
Jeffrey Bridge, PhD
Jennifer Havens, MD
Jeffrey Vanderploeg
Tim Marshall, LCSW, MSW
Tom Chun, MD, MPH
Laura Vleugels
Bryan Shuy
Mary Ann Murphy, MD, PhD
Warren Y.K. Ng, MD
Michael Linskey
Sponsored by the AACAP Physically Ill Child Committee
See more of: Member Forum